Linux Distributions

Choosing a Linux Distro: Which Distro?

Choosing a Linux Distro: Which Distro?

So, you have decided to install Linux on your desktop computer, mobile device, or server and need to choose a distribution or “distro”.

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Choosing a Linux Distro: Community-Based or Corporate-Backed?

Choosing a Linux Distro: Community-Based or Corporate-Backed?

When choosing what Linux Distribution to use, a key factor can be who it is developing the distro and for what purpose.

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Choosing a Linux Distro: Rolling or Fixed?

Choosing a Linux Distro: Rolling or Fixed?

Linux distributions are constantly updating their software and packages to new versions and there are two main ways that a distribution can do this, a fixed release model and a rolling release model.

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Choosing a Linux Distro: Which Desktop Environment?

Choosing a Linux Distro: Which Desktop Environment?

The look, feel, and features of your Linux distribution are greatly impacted by the desktop environment or DE that it uses.

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